Testing Drafter Applications

A powerful feature of Drafter is the ability to test your applications. Drafter functions are simple functions that take in a State and return a Page. The Page object is just a dataclass with a state and a content, so you can easily inspect the results of calling your functions, or just write equality assertions.

from drafter import *
from bakery import assert_equal

class State:
    name: str

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        f"Hello, {state.name}!"

# ...

             Page("World", ["Hello, World!"]))

Automatically Generated Tests

When you run your Drafter application, Drafter automatically creates tests for you as you interact with the site.

The Debug Information at the bottom of the page includes a section titled Page Load History. Clicking on the Page Content arrow will reveal the generated Page content, which can be copy/pasted back as an assert_equal along with the appropriate Call.

You might think of this as “freezing” the expected state of the website, if you are happy with the design. Subsequent changes to the index function require us to update these tests, so you do not necessarily want to start by testing (the way you are usually encouraged to do). But as you make changes, these tests can help you confirm that the rest of the site still works as originally intended. These are known as regression tests.

Testing Parts of Routes

Drafter’s automatically generated tests are designed to test the entire result of a route, including its state and content. However, sometimes you want to test just a part of the result, using more relaxed assertions.

To do this, you can manually inspect the result of calling your route, and then test individual pieces by inspecting the state and content of the resulting Page object. Remember, the Page is just a dataclass!

For example, the following allows us to test that the content has at least some of the expected text:

from drafter import *
import random

class State:
    name: str

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        f"Hello, {state.name}!"

# ...

result = index("World")
assert_equal("Hello" in result.content, True)

Or you could make an assertion about a specific part of the state, without reference to any other part of the Page:

from drafter import *
import random

class State:
    name: str

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        f"Hello, {state.name}!"

# ...

result = index("World")
assert_equal(result.state.name, "World")