Drafter Documentation for Students

This is the Student documentation for the Drafter web framework. This file is organized into the following sections:

  1. Basic Routing: How to create routes and pages for your website.

  2. Server Control: How to start the server and launch the website.

  3. Components: The different components you can use to build your pages.

  4. Debug Information: How to show and hide the debug information at the bottom of the page.

Basic Routing


Decorator to turn a function into route connected to a URL. If the url is not given, then the function’s name will be used as the route. Unless the name of the function is index, in which case that route will be used as the index of the website (the front, default page).


url (str) – The URL to connect to the function as a route. Defaults to function’s name, if not given.


Page(state, content)

Constructor function for the Page object, which holds all the information for a viewable web page. The state is hidden from the user, but the content is rendered into HTML. This should be returned from any route function.

The content is a list of either string values or Component instances. The strings can contain actual HTML, which will be injected directly into the page. The Component instances will also be turned into HTML.

  • state – The new value of the page, hidden from the user. This is usually an instance of a dataclass. If there is no change to the state, then will just be the state parameter.

  • content (list[str | Component]) – The actual content of the page, eventually rendered as HTML in the browser. Can combine both string values and Component instances.

Server Control

start_server(initial_state, port=8080)

Function to start the server and launch the website. The local URL of the server will be displayed, usually defaulting to http://localhost:8080/. No code will be executed after this call.

The initial_state should match the type of the first parameter for every route. If no initial_state is given, then the state will initially be None.

For more details, refer to the drafter.server.start_server()

  • initial_state – The initial state of the website, usually a dataclass instance. Defaults to None.

  • port – The port to run the server on. Defaults to 8080.


Image(url, width, height)

An image to be displayed on the page. Usually needs to be a complete URL, including the http:// or https://. Note that some websites may not allow you to use their images on your website, so be careful; you may want to rehost the image somewhere more reliable.

If you know the exact size of the image, you can specify it with the width and height parameters. Otherwise, the page may resize while the image is being loaded.

  • url (str) – The URL of the image, or filename of the image as a string (in quotes) if it is in the same folder as the code.

  • width (int) – The width of the image, in pixels. Defaults to None, which will use the image’s default width.

  • height (int) – The height of the image, in pixels. Defaults to None, which will use the image’s default height.

A link to another page. The text is what will be displayed on the page, and the url is where the link will take you. This gets rendered as a normal HTML link (underlined blue text). If you want to use a button instead, use the Button component.

  • text (str) – The text to display for the link.

  • url (str or function) – Either a string representing the full URL you are linking to (possibly external to the server) or the name of a function that is a route on the server (without quotes or calling parentheses).

TextBox(name, default_value)

A text box for the user to enter text. The name is the name of the text box, which will be used to identify the text box when the user submits the form (and becomes a parameter to the linked page). The default_value is the initial value of the text box, which will be displayed to the user. If no default_value is provided, the textbox will initially be empty.

  • name (str) – The name of the text box, which will be used to identify the text box when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores). This must match the same parameter name in the corresponding linked route.

  • default_value (str) – The initial value of the text box, which will be displayed to the user. Defaults to None, which will make the text box initially empty.

TextArea(name, default_value)

A multiline text area for the user to enter text. Basically the same as the TextBox component, but with multiple lines. The name is the name of the text area, which will be used to identify the text area when the user submits the form (and becomes a parameter to the linked page). The default_value is the initial value of the text area, which will be displayed to the user. If no default_value is provided, the text area will initially be empty.

  • name (str) – The name of the text area, which will be used to identify the text area when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores). This must match the same parameter name in the corresponding linked route.

  • default_value (str) – The initial value of the text area, which will be displayed to the user. Defaults to None, which will make the text area initially empty.

SelectBox(name, options)
SelectBox(name, options, default_value)

A dropdown box for the user to select a single option. The name is the name of the dropdown box, which will be used to identify the dropdown box when the user submits the form (and becomes a parameter to the linked page). The options is a list of strings representing the options in the dropdown box. The default_value is the initial value of the dropdown box, which will be displayed to the user. If no default_value is provided, the dropdown box is probably the first element of the list, or the last one, or maybe blank.

These boxes are also sometimes called combo boxes, dropdowns, or select lists.

  • name (str) – The name of the select box, which will be used to identify the select box when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores). This must match the same parameter name in the corresponding linked route.

  • options (list[str]) – The list of options to display in the select box. Each option should be a string.

  • default_value (str) – The initial value of the select box, which will be displayed to the user. Defaults to None, which will make the select box initially empty.

CheckBox(name, default_value)

A check box for the user to select. The name is the name of the check box, which will be used to identify the check box when the user submits the form (and becomes a parameter to the linked page). The default_value is the initial value of the check box, which will be displayed to the user. If no default_value is provided, the check box will initially be unchecked.

  • name (str) – The name of the check box, which will be used to identify the check box when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores). This must match the same parameter name in the corresponding linked route.

  • default_value (bool) – The initial value of the check box, which will be displayed to the user. Defaults to None, which will make the check box initially unchecked.


A line break in the page. This is a single line break, forcing a new line on the page. It is the same as the HTML <br> tag.


A horizontal line stretching across the page. This is the same as the HTML <hr> tag.

Button(text, url)
Button(text, url, arguments)

A clickable button on the page. The text is what will be displayed on the button, and the url is where the button will take you. This gets rendered as a normal HTML button. All of the input fields on the page will be submitted with the button press, and passed as parameters to the linked page.

  • text (str) – The text to display for the button.

  • url (str or function) – Either a string representing the full URL you are linking to (possibly external to the server) or the name of a function that is a route on the server (without quotes or calling parentheses).

  • arguments (list[Argument]) – Any additional arguments to pass to the server when the button is pressed. These should be Argument instances. Defaults to an empty list.


A numeric, ordered list of items. The items is a list of strings, each of which will be a separate item in the list. This gets rendered as a normal HTML ordered list.


items (list[str]) – The list of items to display in the ordered list. Each item should be a string. If they are not strings, then they will be converted using the builtin str function.


An unordered, enumerated list. The items is a list of strings, each of which will be a separate item in the list. This gets rendered as a normal HTML unordered list.


items (list[str]) – The list of items to display in the unordered list. Each item should be a string. If they are not strings, then they will be converted using the builtin str function.

Header(body, level)

A text header of different sizes. The body is the text to display in the header. The level is the size of the header, with 1 being the largest and 6 being the smallest. If no level is given, then it will default to 1.

  • body (str) – The text to display in the header.

  • level (int) – The size of the header, with 1 being the largest and 6 being the smallest. Defaults to 1.


A tabular representation of data. The data is a list of lists, where each inner list is a row in the table. The data can also be a list of dataclass instances, which will be rendered as a pleasant table. If a single dataclass is passed in, that will be rendered with the fields as rows in the table.


data (list[list[str]] or list[object] or object) – The data to display in the table. Each row should be a list of strings, list of dataclass instances, or a single dataclass instance.


A span of text with multiple components. The components can be any number of strings or Component instances, which will be rendered in the span. This is useful for combining multiple components into a single line.


components (str | Component) – The components to display in the span. Each component should be a string or a Component instance. You do not pass them in as a list, but as separate arguments (like the print) function.

Argument(name, value)

A hidden argument to be passed to the server. The name is the name of the argument, and the value is the value. You can only use strings, integers, floats, or booleans as values. This is useful for passing information to the server without displaying it to the user.

A major use for this feature is as an additional parameter to buttons. If you want to pass additional information to the server when a button is pressed, you can use this component to do so.

Button("Submit", some_route, Argument("additional_info", "extra_data"))

Note that buttons must have unique names, or the arguments will not be distinguishable.

  • name (str) – The name of the argument, which will be used to identify the argument when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores).

  • value (str | int | float | bool) – The value of the argument, which will be passed to the server. This can be a string, integer, float, or boolean.

MatPlotLibPlot(extra_matplotlib_settings: dict)

A plot generated by MatPlotLib. This will render a plot on the page, using the MatPlotLib library. This is useful for displaying graphs, charts, and other visual data.

This is essentially a drop-in replacement for the MatPlotLib show function, which will not work in a web environment. Instead of calling show, you can call this component and put it in the content of the page.

You can pass a dictionary to the component, which will be passed to the MatPlotLib savefig function, e.g., to adjust the plot format or size. However, the normal MatPlotLib functions will work normally, so you can adjust the plot as you normally would using the plt.* functions.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_page(state: State) -> Page:
    plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
    plt.ylabel('some numbers')
    plt.title("A Plot")
    return Page(state, [
Download(text, filename, contents)
Download(text, filename, contents, content_type)

A download link for the user to download a file. The text is what will be displayed for the link, the filename is the name of the file that will be downloaded, and the contents is the actual contents of the file. The content_type is the MIME type of the file, which will be used to determine how the file is downloaded. If no content_type is given, then it will default to text/plain.

This is useful for allowing users to download files from your website, such as PDFs, images, or other data. For example, you might generate a text file and allow the user to download it.

Download("Download File", "file.txt", "This is the contents of the file.")

Or a JSON file:

import json
data = [1, 2, 4, "hello", {"key": "value"}]
Download("Download JSON", "data.json", json.dumps(data), "application/json")

External hyperlinks are supported too. If you want to have them download a URL of a video, for example, you could do:

Download("Download Video", "video.mp4", "http://example.com/video.mp4", "video/mp4")

Local files are not automatically provided, though. If you want to provide a local file, you will need to read the file and provide the contents as a string.

You can find a list of common MIME types here.

  • text (str) – The text to display for the download link.

  • filename (str) – The name of the file that will be downloaded.

  • contents (str) – The contents of the file that will be downloaded. This should be a string.

  • content_type (str) – The MIME type of the file. Defaults to text/plain.


A division or row of components. The components can be any number of strings or Component instances, which will be rendered in the division or row. This is useful for grouping multiple components together.


components (str | Component) – The components to display in the division or row. Each component should be a string or a Component instance. You do not pass them in as a list, but as separate arguments (like the print) function.


Preformatted text to display on the page. The text is the text to display, which will be rendered in a monospaced font. This is useful for displaying code, logs, or other text that needs to be displayed exactly as it is written.


text (str) – The text to display in the preformatted text. This will be rendered in a monospaced font.

FileUpload(name, accept)

A file upload component for the user to upload a file. The name is the name of the file upload component, which will be used to identify the file when the user submits the form (and becomes a parameter to the linked page).

Be mindful of the target type of the parameter. If the file is regular text, then the parameter should be a str; if the file is binary data, then the parameter should be a bytes. If you are accepting an image (e.g., FileUpload("new_image", "image/*")), then you can use the PIL library to convert the image to a format that can be displayed on the page. If you can trust the user to upload only images, then you can make the parameter a PIL.Image object; otherwise you should leave the parameter as a bytes and convert the image to a displayable format in the route.

The accept parameter is a string representing the file types that the user can upload. This should be a comma-separated list of MIME types, such as "image/*,.pdf". If no accept is given, then the user can upload any file type. You can also pass a list of strings, which will be joined with commas.

  • name (str) – The name of the file upload component, which will be used to identify the file when the user submits the form. Make sure this is a valid Python identifier (start with a letter followed only by letters, numerals, and underscores). This must match the same parameter name in the corresponding linked route.

  • accept (str | list[str]) – The file types that the user can upload. This should be a comma-separated list of MIME types. Defaults to None, which will allow the user to upload any file type.

Debug Information


Show the debug information at the bottom, including the current route, current state, the list of available routes, and the history of visited pages.


Hide the debug information at the bottom.