
If you want to make your page pretty, then there’s a number of ways to control the style of your components. In HTML, you can style components using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS allows you to control the appearance of your components, such as the font, color, size, and position. Drafter provides several ways to style components. You can use the built-in styling functions, keyword parameters, CSS classes, CSS style tags, and website-wide CSS.

Drafter generates plain HTML and CSS, so you can use any CSS styling you want. However, Drafter also provides some built-in functions to make styling easier.

The following section gives examples of how to style your components using these methods, with links to the more detailed sub-sections.

A Full Styling Example

Here is an example of how you might use the styling functions and keyword parameters to style a page:

from drafter import *

body {
    background-color: lightblue;
    font-size: 20px;

.name-box {
    background-color: pink;
    float: right;

.name-box {
    margin: 10px;

def index(state: str) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        bold("Welcome to the website!"),
        TextBox("Name", "Your name goes here", classes="name-box"),
        Button("Quit", index, style_color="red", style_float='right')


This demonstrates the following concepts:

  • Disabling the default theme (set_website_style("none"): changing themes

  • Adding custom CSS to the website (add_website_css): Adding Website CSS

  • Using CSS classes to style components (classes keyword parameter): CSS Classes

  • Using styling functions to style components (e.g., bold): Styling Functions

  • Using keyword parameters to style components (e.g., style_color and style_float): Keyword Parameters

  • Embedding a CSS style tag in a page (PAGE_SPECIFIC_STYLE): CSS Style Tags

Here’s what that basic example might look like when rendered in a browser:

Github Repository

Styling Functions

One of the easiest ways to apply styling to components is to use the styling functions available. These functions take a component and return the same component, but with additional styling applied.

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        float_right(Button("Quit", index))

The above example shows how to use the float_right function to make the button align on the right hand side of the screen.

The following functions are available:


Makes the component “float” to the left, allowing other components to wrap around it.


Makes the component “float” to the right, so that it aligns to the right side of the screen.


Makes the text bold (increasing the font weight and making it darker). Usually used to indicate importance.


Makes the text italic (slanted to the right). Usually used to indicate emphasis.


Adds an underline to the text. Usually used to indicate that the text is a link, so use sparingly.


Adds a line through the text. Usually used to indicate that the text is no longer relevant.


Changes the font to a monospace font (all the characters will be the same width). Usually used to indicate that the text is code.


Makes the font size smaller. Usually used for less important text.


Makes the font size larger. Usually used for more important text. Consider using a header instead.

change_color(component, color)

Changes the text color. The color can be a named color (e.g. “red”) or a hex code (e.g. “#FF0000”). See the HTML Colors page for available HTML colors.


color (str) – The color to change the text to.

change_background_color(component, color)

Changes the background color of the component (the background-color CSS attribute). The color can be a named color (e.g. “red”) or a hex code (e.g. “#FF0000”). See the HTML Colors page for available HTML colors.


color (str) – The color to change the background to.

change_text_size(component, size)

Changes the text size. The size must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16). If an integer is given, the units are assumed to be pixels. Valid units are:

  • px: Pixels

  • em: Relative to the font size of the element

  • rem: Relative to the font size of the root element

  • %: Percentage of the parent element’s font size


size (int or str) – The size to change the text to.

change_text_font(component, font)

Changes the font of the text. The font must be a valid font name (e.g. "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Courier New"). See the HTML Fonts page for available fonts.


font (str) – The font to change the text to.

change_text_align(component, alignment)

Changes the text alignment. The alignment must be one of the following:

  • left: Aligns the text to the left

  • right: Aligns the text to the right

  • center: Centers the text

  • justify: Justifies the text (evenly spaces the words)


alignment (str) – The alignment to change the text to.

change_text_decoration(component, decoration)

Changes the text decoration. The decoration must be one of the following:

  • none: No decoration

  • underline: Adds an underline

  • overline: Adds a line over the text

  • line-through: Adds a line through the text


decoration (str) – The decoration to change the text to.

change_text_transform(component, transform)

Changes the text transformation. The transformation must be one of the following:

  • none: No transformation

  • uppercase: Converts the text to uppercase

  • lowercase: Converts the text to lowercase

  • capitalize: Capitalizes the first letter of each word


transform (str) – The transformation to change the text to.

change_margin(component, margin)

Changes the margin of the component. The margin is the space around the component (as opposed to its padding, which is the space inside the component). The margin must be a string of 1-4 numbers followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16), separated by spaces.

The margin must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16). If an integer is given, the units are assumed to be pixels. Valid units are:

  • px: Pixels

  • em: Relative to the font size of the element

  • rem: Relative to the font size of the root element

  • %: Percentage of the parent element’s font size

change_margin(Div("Hello"), "16px")  # Adds a 16px margin to all sides
change_margin(Div("Hello"), "16px 8px")  # Adds a 16px margin to the top and bottom, and an 8px margin to the left and right
change_margin(Div("Hello"), "16px 8px 4px 2px")  # Adds a 16px margin to the top, 8px to the right, 4px to the bottom, and 2px to the left

margin (int or str) – The margin to change the component to.

change_border(component, border)

Changes the border of the component. The border is a string that can be one of the following:

  • none: No border

  • solid: A solid line border

  • dotted: A dotted line border

  • dashed: A dashed line border

  • double: A double line border

  • groove: A 3D grooved border

Additionally, a border can have a width and color. The width must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “1px”) or an integer (e.g. 1). The color can be a named color (e.g. “red”) or a hex code (e.g. “#FF0000”); see the HTML Colors page for available HTML colors. The format is "style width color". For example:

change_border(Div("Hello"), "solid 1px red")  # Adds a solid 1px red border
change_border(Div("Hello"), "dotted 2px blue")  # Adds a dotted 2px blue border
change_border(Div("Hello"), "double 3px green")  # Adds a double 3px green border

border (str) – The border to change the component to.

change_padding(component, padding)

Changes the padding of the component. The padding is the space inside the component (as opposed to its margin, which is the space around the component). The padding must be a string of 1-4 numbers followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16),

The padding must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16). If an integer is given, the units are assumed to be pixels. Valid units are:

  • px: Pixels

  • em: Relative to the font size of the element

  • rem: Relative to the font size of the root element

  • %: Percentage of the parent element’s font size

change_padding(Div("Hello"), "16px")  # Adds a 16px padding to all sides
change_padding(Div("Hello"), "16px 8px")  # Adds a 16px padding to the top and bottom, and an 8px padding to the left and right
change_padding(Div("Hello"), "16px 8px 4px 2px")  # Adds a 16px padding to the top, 8px to the right, 4px to the bottom, and 2px to the left

padding (int or str) – The padding to change the component to.

change_width(component, width)

Changes the width of the component. The width must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16). If an integer is given, the units are assumed to be pixels. Valid units are:

  • px: Pixels

  • em: Relative to the font size of the element

  • rem: Relative to the font size of the root element

  • %: Percentage of the parent element’s font size


width (int or str) – The width to change the component to.

change_height(component, height)

Changes the height of the component. The height must be a string followed by the units (e.g. “16px”) or an integer (e.g. 16). If an integer is given, the units are assumed to be pixels. Valid units are:

  • px: Pixels

  • em: Relative to the font size of the element

  • rem: Relative to the font size of the root element

  • %: Percentage of the parent element’s font size


height (int or str) – The height to change the component to.

Keyword Parameters

Another way to style components is to use keyword parameters. Any component can take style_ prefixed keyword parameters. For example:

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        Button("Quit", index, style_text_color="red", style_float='right')

The example above makes the text red and floats the button to the right.

Drafter will automatically convert the keyword parameters to CSS styles, by applying the following rules:

  1. If the keyword parameter does not begin with style_, then the result will be an HTML attribute.

  2. If it does begin with style_, then the result will be an inline CSS style attribute of the tag, with the style_ prefix removed.

  3. Any underscores in the keyword parameter will be converted to hyphens in the CSS style attribute.

  4. The value of the keyword parameter will be used as the value of the CSS style attribute, converted to a string using the str function.

So for example, the following Drafter code:

Span("Hello World", style_font_size=50)

Will generate the following HTML:

<span style="font-size: 50;">Hello World</span>

CSS Style Tags

Since you can embed HTML into any Page component, you can also embed CSS style tags.

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
            button {
                color: red;
                float: right;

This is a more dramatic change, since it will update all buttons across the entire page.

CSS Classes

You can narrow down the styling by using CSS classes. You can add a class to any component using the classes keyword parameter. You can then use the class name in your CSS style.

# Global Constant for cleaner, reusable code
STYLE = """
    .quit-button {
        color: red;
        float: right;

def index(state: State) -> Page:
    return Page(state, [
        Button("Quit", index, classes="quit-button")

Don’t forget to include the STYLE constant in every page that uses the quit-button class.

If you are using the default theme (skeleton), then you may need to be more specific with your CSS selectors. For example, if you want to style a button, you may need to use the following CSS:

button.quit-button {
    color: red;
    float: right;

Otherwise, the default theme may override your styles. You can disable the default theme by using set_website_style("none") (see changing themes).

Adding Website CSS

If you don’t want to have to include the STYLE constant in every page, you can use the add_website_css function to add the CSS to every page on the website:

add_website_css(css: str)
add_website_css(selector: str, css: str)

Adds additional CSS content to the website. This is useful for adding custom CSS to the website, either for specific selectors or for general styles. If you only provide one parameter, it will be wrapped in <style> tags. If you provide both parameters, they will be used to create a CSS rule; the first parameter is the CSS selector, and the second parameter is the CSS content that will be wrapped in {}.

add_website_css("body", "background-color: lightblue;")
add_website_css("button.quit-button", "color: red; float: right;")
body {
    background-color: lightblue;
    font-size: 20px;
  • selector (str) – The CSS selector to apply the CSS to, or the CSS content if the second parameter is None.

  • css (str) – The CSS content to apply to the selector.

This can be placed anywhere before the start_server function is called, but we recommend putting it directly after your imports for clarity.

Changing Themes

Drafter ships with a default theme called skeleton. You can change the theme by using the set_website_style function. There are currently a few different options.

set_website_style(style: str)

Sets the website style to the specified theme. The theme must be one of the following:


style (str) – The theme to set the website style to.

This can be placed anywhere before the start_server function is called, but we recommend putting it directly after your imports for clarity.