.. _workbook: -------- Workbook -------- Modern application development is usually done through web development. We can use Drafter to make web applications that are easy to write and test. This workbook takes you through developing a few different web applications, piece-by-piece. We provide unit tests that you can use to check that you are building the software correctly. .. important:: Read over all the instructions and text as you go. Many of your questions will be answered directly in the instructions! If you just copy/paste code, you will not learn much from this activity. * :ref:`cookie-clicker` * :ref:`bank-account` * :ref:`simple-adventure-game` * :ref:`store` .. _cookie-clicker: .. include:: part1/cookie.rst .. _bank-account: .. include:: part2/bank.rst .. _simple-adventure-game: .. include:: part3/adventure.rst .. _store: .. include:: part4/store.rst